This is my 1st time to participate in Where Bloggers Create. Our wonderful hostess,
Karen will be presenting all of the blogs participating on her site. I thought this would be a good incentive to clean my much needed some reorganizing and cleaning.
I must tell you, that after looking at many of the blogs from last years event...mine was a very small space. My studio began as a home office for my real estate business. Then in 2003, I read my first Somerset Press magazine that inspired me to began my own creating adventure. From there I started card making, scrapbooking, mixed media & recently making jewelry with vintage pieces. Below is my computer area with my shelves built by my talented husband. These shelves mainly hold special pieces of art, photos, scrapbooks of creative ideas I love, and workspace.
Below this photo shows a close up of a piece of art that I made, a hand blown lamp bought on vacation, and Mickey Mouse that was in the box with my Mickey Mouse watch that I received when I was a small girl.
This is the space where most of my work is done, my supplies are within arms reach regardless if I am painting, stamping, sewing, jewelry making and whatever else I may have going on! I recently purchased the hanging lamp from a trip to Key West. I found it in a decorator shop. My husband rewired it with a long hanging cord, and I extended over the desk with a plant hanger.

Did you notice the closet door in the background. I made the curtain out of linen and trim the bottom with cotton cording trim and the top with rosette trim. I made these entirely without sewing a stitch. Hems and added trim was done with
Jodee's Sealah tape. I was amazed at how well this stuff works and holds tight.

My husband said I organize to another word, I am constantly reorganizing my supplies. I finally found a storage units that work well for all my crafting project. I love the paper organizer, the drawers with dividers , and open spots that allow a basket that holds a project. This also walls my television and other art that I enjoy. I love my little wall lamp that has made many changes from the original shade, it was zebra and recently I did it in burlap and trimmed it with fabric flowers and vintage buttons. I really love how it looks. I love the arrangemnt of old doilies found at flea markets, that are spread across the top of this unit. The vintage jewelry box houses some of my favorite vintage jewelry for projects. I have an old bubble gum rack that I store paints, stamp pads and other supplies.
Below is my favorite of all my storage, it is a vintage parts file. I love all the little compartments to store items for my mixed media projects.
And then last, but not least my office companion, my Burmese cat.