Nothing is better than a rainy Saturday morning and just being lazy. As you can cat agrees! We don't often take the time to enjoy the simple moments in life. Not usually by choice, but more because of family needs, work, and matters that required being done right now. You can thank me for the rain....we started painted the exterior of our house LOL! I love spending a Sat. morning in my jammies, wondering around my patio enjoying the beautiful vegetation in my courtyard and reading my favorite blogs. Blogs people ask me...I sometimes think I am hooked on these things. I have several decorating, scrapbooking, and artist blogs bookmarked that I like to read through from time to time. Hey! I have a real estate blog that I write....
As I was reading through some blogs this morning, I discovered a new blog with a great fall wreath idea for the front door. This would be great for the fall and can be made from things around the house or for very little cost. Fall is just around the corner...and with Oklahoma weather it can go from summer to fall in the matter of a day. You can find the direction's at Morning T if you would like to make one of these wreathers. Hope you have a good weekend!

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